Hey! What’s up. Have you seen my last paintings I made from my old studio. I called it Death is not
My first studio was very important to me, its a space where I started to paint. When I moved to the Netherlands, I rarely went outside to socialize because I dont know too many people and I dont speaks their language. So I decided to spend more time to paint.
I made lots of paintings, and because of that I made new friends too.
So why this serie, why small paintings?
Well, death is actually I thought of something end. Seperation. If we see it that way. We fear death, we dont like the word “the end”. But we didnt see the otherside yet. It might be different, its a surprise but only those who reached that point can tell. IT might be a gift.
Death is no death Acrylic art on wood Size: 9cm x 9cm frame: 18cm x 18cm 2017
Miniature painting, this serie was part of the group art exhibit called: “Intermezzo” Miniature art exhibit in Galerie Paterswolde here in northern part of the Netherlands.
If you love this work, please feel free to contact me.

Under that dark cloud


The acceptance


Rest and Peace