"Please stay home and sketch with us"
15 Days Quarantine Sketch Challenge
March 16-30 2020
To provide inspiration to people stuck at home amid the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), a Filipino artist based in the Netherlands has started a Facebook and Instagram challenge to sketch something in the house daily.
JVTotañes began the "14-day quarantine sketch challenge" (hashtag #whatsindahouse ) after the Netherlands declared what looks like a partial lockdown from March 16 to April 6 where schools, restaurants and other establishments are ordered closed while people are advised to stay and work from home, if possible. Flights coming in from other countries are also suspended. JVTotañes wants to at least uplift the spirit of people by providing an avenue for sketchers and for people who love looking at them.
The idea is to find something inspirational in the house and sketch it.
“I know it’s safe to stay home during this all over coronavirus fears. One to two days you will love it. But what if it’s two weeks!? That’s a lot! I work less for the next couple of weeks because of this worldwide health fight. But then I realize this is the best time to appreciate what’s in the house! Join me with my sketch challenge for 14 days quarantine sketching. Sketch anything you see in the house. It could be your shoes, your pile of laundry, garden tools, your favorite food or lunch, and games anything! Ask your kids to join you, if they are staying at home. It will stimulate them to do less gaming and do more art. Let’s inspire each and everyone and keep the world still a better place. Good luck creative lovelies!” Totanes-Wiersema wrote on the challenge page.
So far, the #whatsindahouse challenge has gained popularity among sketchers who share their works almost daily.